2023 3/2—4/19/23
03MAR23 - Buddy desperately wants to catch or eat big birds and this morning, a Buzzard landed on the top of a utility pole. Buddy saw him and after yanking me…
05MAR23 - Finished Sarah's detailing job yesterday with a coating of Carpro Elixir. This is one of the first times that I let Buddy hang outside with me without…
He probably got bored after awhile so I let him back into the house.
Right around the corner from the solar house, we were greeted by a fairly large doe who was happily eating grass in this person's front lawn. The deer had…
The morning was SO pretty when we returned that I opted to take advantage of the light and get a few shots of the Budmeister.
This was yesterday as well. Buddy licks my daily yogurt cup clean after he finishes his breakfast. :-)
This was last Thursday while I was mowing. Buddy picks a spot in the shade and sand so he can keep an eye on the other dogs behind us.
Buddy dragged one of his blankets over by the dog door and window so he could keep and eye on what was going on out back. :-)
21MAR23 - Buddy does this nearly every morning. We put his blanket down on the other side of the office and when I'm in here, he decides that he wants to be…
22MAR23 - Buddy has this thing for peeing on little weed "bushes." I guess he thinks they're trees. :-)
10APR23 - I am just getting caught up on project photos after taking a little vacation. Buddy, doing his morning thing, dragging his blanket to be next to my…
15APR23 - Starting out with a "test" shot I took of the Budmeister. :-)
And, a couple of the Budmeister.