The street sweeper is cleaning up the last bit of dirt on the asphalt after the turf and extra soil were removed with a skid steer. Our section was the last to…
25OCT23 - While waiting for the pool guys to arrive, I spent some time watching the City continue with their project to widen and resurface the streets in the…
Of course, it wouldn't be a City job if there weren't groups of people standing around, "supervising." :-)
They have some very large equipment.
Hopefully soon, the whole subdivision will look like this.
The City is ALMOST finished with the street resurfacing yesterday but I didn't get a photo of our section out front but it is still the gravel layer you see…
The box is raised to just above the flatbed height..
Then, he moves it around the box connecting a set of chains beneath it.
It's a pretty slick operation to watch. First the operator moves the "PODZilla" off the truck.
06NOV23 - Today was a BIG day around here because it was time to say goodbye to the PODS box isore! YAAAAYYYYYyyyy and good riddance although it did save…
Finally, he backs the truck under the box and it's lowered on to the truck and chained down. It served me well but I am SO glad it's gone.
Meanwhile, the City was moving equipment all over the place.
I swear they do more driving around than work.
07NOV23 - After the PODS box departed the pattern yesterday, I saw that there was an enormous amount of dirt where it sat for months. Hell, there was even a…
BUT, unless this will also occur with a much-diluted solution, it would be cost and time prohibitive to do this on the whole driveway! DAMMIT. So, I may just…
But the main task for the day was to pressure wash the big and enormously heavy, deck TV cabinet. I don't remember when I built the thing but it was probably…
Even the inside which is only 1/4" masonite, held up although it did warp slightly in a few places. After I finished and put the gear away, I thought to put…