fence_DEC03 6/3—12/3/03
Shots before the tear down began.
No more well pump building.
Shots before the tear down began.
Shots before the tear down began.
Shots before the tear down began.
Shots before the tear down began.
Shots before the tear down began.
Shots before the tear down began.
Tear down in progress.
Tear down in progress.
Tear down in progress.
Tear down in progress.
Tear down in progress.
Using an engine hoist to yank out the old posts.
Using an engine hoist to yank out the old posts.
This was one of the posts from the section of the side fence I replaced after a storm knocked the original down. As you can see, I used a wee bit more concrete…
Using an engine hoist to yank out the old posts.
Posts removed and ready for the can.
Nelson, who is allergic to bee stings, is pointing out a yellow jacket nest to Shawn so he can spray it.
Shawn swatting a few yellow jackets before heading in for another round of spraying.